Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Different Sabre Colors (v1.0)

By LeifSortek
Date: 06-03-2003




Title: Different Sabre Colors (v1.0)
Author: LeifSortek
AIM: Kiessik
MSN: Kiessik

Installation: Extract diffsabrecolors.pk3 to GameData/Base in the game directory.

All of the blade colors have been replaced. The sabre trials have the glow removed, so it is just solid white. This may seem odd, but it DOES work surprisingly well with the silver sabre. And it's no more odd than a silver sabre with a blue trail, right?

Blue Sabre -> Silver Sabre
Green Sabre -> Aquamarine Sabre
Purple Sabre -> Pink Sabre
Yellow Sabre -> Pale Yellow Sabre
Red Sabre -> Red Sabre (stays the same, red is just too plain cool to mess with.)
Orange Sabre -> Gold Sabre

Thanks to:
1.Perfect EP2 blades II mod by StarWars. I used his saber cores.
2. Me. Just because.